Cache Valley Center for the Arts in Logan Utah

Pix from the 11/19 -20/04 visit to Logan Utah.
Also see the CVCA Website:
(may have to cut and paste) and also
the USU site:  Hit Counter


Entering Cache Valley from the South on US91

East side of the valley - Wasatch mountains

More Mountains

A funny little stret we can't afford to live on

The (lone) Espicopal Church

A thrift Store for Leecia!!!

W I D E Main Street

COurthouse being renovated

The Post Office

RADIO Antennas!

A store for Leecia

VERY funny Mormon Street grid system - 90% of the street "names" are numbers

A Mural on a cool cheese factory founded by a Swiss guy who thought the area looked like home

A Charter HS!

An Elementary school

East side of Valley

Inside view of the Ellen Eccles Theatre

More Theater

The Balcony - total seating 1100

The Thatcher-Young Mansion - Apartment dooe on left - rest of building for artist coop

Back of the theater

Entrance to the theater - thru what is called the Bullen Center

The Mormon Temple on the hill

Main St

Main Street 2

Side of the theater with Mansion in front

Clouds in the Mountains

Flakes up in the Pass - about 1000 or 2000' higher than the valley

Down in the flats N of Salt Lake City

More...uh you know

Heavy-ish snow at SLC